This week's top artists for the It's a trap! listening group:

01. Death Cab for Cutie
02. The Decemberists
03. The Strokes
04. Hello Saferide
05. The Arcade Fire
06. Mew
07. The Libertines
08. Broken Social Scene
09. Sufjan Stevens

Top songs:

01. Laakso - In my blood
02. Mew - Special
03. The Strokes - You Only Live Once
04. The Decemberists - We Both Go Down Together
05. I'm from Barcelona - The Painter
06. Broken Social Scene - Stars and Sons
07. Hello Saferide - If I Don't Write This Song, Someone I Love Will Die
08. Hello Saferide - Get Sick Soon
09. Death Cab for Cutie - Lightness

Again, I'd like to encourage all regular readers to join up so we can get a better idea of what we're all listening to. It's fun! Go here: