Hello, is this thing on? I'm still retired from running this website, but I never stopped caring about Scandinavian music and apparently some people still care about what I have to say on the subject, so check out this interview I did this past summer with the nice folks at the Blue Monday Podcast: https://www.xn--blmndag-fxab.se/43-kalabalik-2019/ I probably should've posted this back when it first went up, but better late than never, right? And who knows, perhaps I will see you at Kalabalik på Tyrolen next year! Otherwise, feel free to keep up with me and my own solo musical endeavor Harsh R.
Stick a fork in me, I'm done. After 10 years of near-daily blogging I have decided to walk away from It's a Trap!, a decision that I have weighed for quite some time and one that did not come easily. This site has been a major part of my life the past decade and while I treasure that time greatly, both via the music and all of the absolutely lovely people I've met along the way, I've become increasingly tired, burnt-out and simply far too busy to give it the attention it truly deserves. So, rather than let you bear witness to my slow descent into a crispy shell of bitter cynicism, I'm getting out while the getting's still good. Thanks to all of the amazing bands and labels who I have worked with and whose art has inspired me, thanks to everyone who ever contributed an article, review or even an email recommendation, thanks to Jonas for handling the clubnights so admirably and most of all, thanks to YOU for reading! I doubt I'll ever stop caring about music, Scandinavian or otherwise, so I'm sure I will eventually resurface somewhere else before long. Until then, keep in touch!
The first batch of acts have been confirmed for the 2012 edition of the Spanish Nordic arts + music fest Dias Nordicos in late September have been confirmed and they include Turboweekend, Kúra, Hanna Kolstø, Husky Rescue and Lilla Sällskapet. Full details: http://www.diasnordicos.com/
I'm back home again and back at work after a two-week Swedish excursion -- thanks to all my friends, new and old, for hanging out and being awesome! In the meantime, I've got myself a mountain of junk to climb out from under so expect updates this week to be terse. I'll be back on top soon enough.
The Washington Post Express offers up a quick preview of the excellent Nordic Jazz Fest taking place in Washington DC this weekend: http://www.expressnightout.com/2012/06/nordic-noise/
Though I know it's not possible to attend for many of us, it is worth noting that a number of the artists appearing will be doing other US dates while they are over here so check local listings.
Export Music Sweden reports that (that's Play It Again Sam, in case it rings a bell) has joined forces with Sweden's leading distributor to launch a new pan-Scandinavian distribution venture under the banner : http://www.exportmusicsweden.org/2012/04/pias-and-border-launch-pias-nordic/
Other Scandinavian operations taken under the wing of this joint operation include (Norway), (Denmark) and (Finland).
Major site update underway, please bear with us. Things should be working now, more or less. If you happen to see anything acting funny, please let me know via the contact form in the header menu. Thanks!
Berlin-based clubnight Nordic By Nature has posted their latest mixtape for April/spring. To get the latest on their activities for the month, go here: http://www.nbnberlin.de/dates.html
Italian website Onda Rock has assembled a new comp of Scandinavian music for free download, including tracks from artists such as Emerald Park, I'm Kingfisher, Old Lost John, Mylittlepony and much more: http://www.ondarock.it/speciali/ondadrops05.htm