Nightsatan - Midnight laser warriorNightsatan
Midnight laser warrior
Solina Records


A bit of a strange mix, this. First off, the name Nightsatan might give the impression that we're dealing with some sort of extreme metal outfit. Then, the cyberpunk album artwork hints that we might be in for a punk rock affair, quite possibly laced with a good measure of electronica. What the Finnish trio have essentially come up with is an instrumental style that sounds off like Genghis Tron (minus any hint of metal) and Kraftwerk doing cheesy '80s movie soundtracks. It works well for the most part, offering an odd amalgam of the music of "The Terminator" and John Carpenter's "Dark star", and there's a definite atmosphere here makes it an enjoyable listen. It does require a certain frame of mind to be able to sit through the entire album though and, when you've found that headspace, it's quite sublime. That said, the drum sound is atrocious and ruins any segments that require the use of a snare. Bottom line, "Midnight laser warrior" is an average album that could do with a little less self-indulgence -- and a bearable drum sound.
- John Norby