Pen Expers - Dirty tender lovePen Expers
Dirty tender love
Alleycat Records


"Dirty tender love" will be record number three for the band Pen Expers and, as before, this newest album features dark rock á la Sweden, meaning gloomy and depressing. Pen Expers really have the ability to influence the mood of the listener with their music, so it might not always be the most fitting choice as it will ruin your day. Maybe this is a feature that comes with good, honest music, however, I often find that Pen Expers leave their genuine sound for more stereotypical dark rock'n'roll during this record. At times the desperation from Alexander Arvman's vocals seem borrowed. This is doubtless good music though and Pen Expers is a good band -- they truly shines through on the track "Don't you wanna kiss me anymore?" -- but they are also good enough to make their own genre rather than trying to fit into already made-up categories.
- Morten Frisch