MP3: Carolina Wallin Pérez - Utan dina andetag
I forgot all about Carolina Wallin Pérez and "Pälor och svin", her album of Kent covers. Luckily, she just released "Utan dina andetag" as a new single in anticipation of her upcoming Swedish summer tour. Being that I'm merely a casual Kent fan these days, I had to look it up: the original version was a b-side to the "Om du var här" ("If you were here") single from "Isola" circa '97 and can also be found on the "B-sidor 95-00" 2CD collection (which I actually own a copy of, believe it or not). Anyhow, Carolina's version is all vocals and reverb-drenched guitars, a lovely counterpoint to the more stoic (though still good) original. She wrenches all she can out of every moment, drawing out each and every word and letting the end of each line taper off softly and drift away. The chorus though, that's the icing; perhaps one of Joakim Berg's most satisfyingly gorgeous melodies. I'm almost tempted to chart it out to see the way it rises and falls, aptly mirroring the lyrics. But I won't do it, I won't reduce this song to science. I'd much rather relax and let it play out like the devotional ballad it's supposed to be.
Carolina Wallin Pérez - Utan dina andetag