Top 10s for 2009: Kal Ström (Dagensskiva)
01. Fever Ray - "Fever Ray" (album)
02. Maskinen - "Boys II men" (album)
03. The Stoner - "Mitt svenska hjärta" (song)
04. Mariachi El Bronx - "El Bronx" (album)
05. Deerhoof, Kägelbanan Sthlm (concert)
06. Dark Funeral - "My funeral" (song)
07. Douglas Coupland - "Generation A" (book)
08. Anna Järvinen - "Är det det här det handlar om?" (song)
09. Taxi Taxi - "Same side of the moon" (song)
10. Spotify (not that I use it every day, but I don't have to rip as much records from the collection) (service)
Kal Ström is the Chief Editor for Swedish daily music site Dagensskiva.