Top 10s for 2009: Magnus Wikmark (We are the Storm)

My top ten is not necessarily made up by the best experiences this year, but the ones that I remember for different reasons. This is probably in no way representative for 2009, rather the last quarter. Anyway, here goes in no particular order:

Erik Enocksson - Man tänker sitt (soundtrack, although the movie was not as good as I wanted it to be)

The Mary Onettes - Dare EP

Stig Dagerman - Bibliography (books)

Animal Collective - In the flowers (song)

The Radiohead re-releases

Arcade Fire - Miroir noir (DVD, I know it was released in late 2008, but I got around to watch it this summer)

Bored to Death (tv-series)

The Kissaway Trail - Favourite dream (song)

Jeniferever - Spring tides (for being way too underrated)

Strage Text by Fredrik Strage (book)

We are the Storm are currently (mid-Nov) recording a short movie as an alternative way of releasing/presenting new music and also writing songs for an upcoming full-length release that is going to be recorded before the thawing of the streets of Uppsala.