[ingenting] - Tomhet, idel tomhet[ingenting]
Tomhet, idel tomhet


It's been inspiring to watch [ingenting] develop from record to record as they peel off all those print-out faces from pop music's hall-of-fame piece by piece. These days, their influences stand behind, never in front of the music, as they move from making music inspired by others to finding their very own place among the many indiepop bands that sing på Svenska. The competition is pretty stiff it seems, but [ingenting] need not hide their creativity behind that of their countrymen and women. Their strength lies in their directness: their witty melocism is never overly playful, their trademark melancholy never overdone. When they become bombastic, like in the album's definite stand-out "Dina händer är fulla av blommor", it's to make a point. And when I, as a non-native speaker, make the effort to track their lyricism in my head, I'm struck by how equally direct it is. [ingenting] seem to have no need for cynicism to make their point, yet they manage to sidestep those kitsch-traps that overly direct lyrics often cannot avoid. Even if "Tomhet, idel tomhet" can't make true on all the promises that "Dina händer..." and powerful opener "Hallelujah" carry along, I still expect the album to make many year-end-lists.
- Arnulf Köhncke