MP3: Keith Canisius - Waves
This new Keith Canisius track sounds very 80s, very clean, very studio-refined. Just listen to that sharp guitar and those synth tones and imagine the video treatment, replete with shaggy Euro mullets and trench coats. If you lived through it, you should be able to picture it without much trouble, though my own memory is failing me when it comes to conjuring up specific examples. Trust me, okay? Of course, in Keith's case, his helium-laced vocals give the song a more ethereal touch -- hence the shoegaze label that so often gets attached to his work, whether it be solo or with Rumskib -- though it's not so odd as to break my preconceived illusion. Think of it as another instrument. Otherwise, the song stretches a little on the long side, but when it finally peaks, it does so in a satisfying way with a nice wash of swirling layers and canned reverb. Definitely worth a listen.
Keith Canisius - Waves