MP3: Didium and the Black Bonnie Picture - You wanna stay
Didium and The Black Bonnie Picture fare reasonably well as far as listenable alt-rock goes, but I can only get about halfway through their album "Whimsical beauty" before mind-numbing ennui sets in. No amount of sweetly layered female vocals, strings nor saxophone is going to change that. It's not that they're devoid of charm either, they've got a cute retro look and have apparently pleased enough people in high places to secure substantial financial backing and international distribution outside Denmark, but I remain unmoved. Listen to the superfluous scream at the start of their latest single "You wanna stay" -- are you excited? Do you feel the, uh, electricity? Forced enthusiasm is the worst and these guys have it in spades. Listen as Didium bites the I's and Un's just before the 2-minute mark; is that really necessary? Please, just give it a rest. You're a nice guy and you can't escape it. No doubt there's plenty of people out there who will think this is just edgy enough thankyouverymuch, but I am not one of those.
Didium and the Black Bonnie Picture - You wanna stay