MP3: Pretty Whores - When are you going to start to study?
Pretty Whores are no longer Pretty Whores of Manhattan, but their name still sucks. Ditch it please, I implore you. Your music is getting way better, but I will never, ever get over that dumb name. It will be an albatross in years to come. But getting back to the music, like I said, the group's new EP "Teens of USA" is a huge improvement over their demo. They're still kicking out chops-heavy punk-rock'n'roll, but with far greater consistency and control. They've also started to angle for more of a garage thing with the yelped vocals and good time vibe. Still maybe a bit more Mötley Crüe than Devil Dogs, but that's really not such a huge divide when you get down to it. They're young, they want to party, they've come to kick out the jams. Even though I might be a cynical crank, I can't say there's anything wrong with that.
Pretty Whores - When are you going to start to study?