MP3: Peloton - Nozal
Peloton is an international jazz combo with members hailing from Denmark, Norway and Sweden. However, it's not their citizenship that caught my attention, it's the inclusion of analog synth in their setup. Now they never quite achieve the sort of "Switched on Bach" or ELP-level of wacky virtuosity that I was kinda hoping for, but it's still cool because they're exploring a timbre I don't often hear in this sort of music. The bass is all synth too, another unusual touch. This particular track I'm featuring today is probably the biggest barnburner on their album "Selected works" as most of their pieces tend towards the languid and spacious. It doesn't adequately demonstrate their range, but it should at least pique your interest. Personally, I'm content just listening to that drummer go off. Hear more at myspace:
Peloton - Nozal