MP3: Knugen Faller - Lungen favoriter
This is kind of a catch-up post since I've been meaning to post about Knugen Faller for awhile, yet somehow manage to postpone it over and over. No more! Anyhow, Nancy's review sums it up pretty well, though I actually like it a lot more than she does. Truth: yes, this is a retro genre piece and as such, it steals shamelessly from acts of yore. However, I'm okay with that 'cuz they do it well. It's all about good songs played with copious energy, not originality and hey, they even get acclaimed jazz musician Jonas Kullhammar to lay down some sax so that's gotta mean something. If you like Randy, Regulations, or even The Hives, there's a damn good chance you'll like this too. 'Nuff said!
Buy it: [click here]
Knugen Faller - Lungen favoriter