Are David & the Citizens becoming a rock'n'roll cliché? Just as they were getting ready to take things to the next level with their first-ever performances in the US, the entire backing band has quit. Why? Rumor has it that frontman David Fridlund's girlfriend Sara Culler has become the band's Yoko Ono, but no one is willing to go on record to explain their side of the story. This is not the first time that such rumors have circulated as I have heard similar things in the past with regards to previous band defections.
I sincerely hope that David and the guys will somehow be able to rectify the situation, but I am not optmistic. I imagine he'll recruit a new batch of ringers and the show will go on, in one way or another. But hey, feel free to prove me wrong! Also, since I am aware than many parties involved are readers of this site, you are all invited to send in any official response or statement to the situation which I will publish unedited and without response.