The Higher Elevations - The Protestant work ethicThe Higher Elevations
The Protestant work ethic
Time For Action


The Higher Elevations sound a bit like a gang of cowboys playing psychedelic pop rock. It's pleasant stuff, just like eating baked beans around a campfire can be, but not life changing (as long as the beans aren't poisoned, this applies to the metaphor too). At times I find them a bit annoying, as if the novelty takes over and it becomes hard not to giggle at how serious and clichéd the singer can sound at places. Certain songs on the album are also a bit repetitive and I got very tired of them quickly. The highlight of the album is the song "In place"; that one has a real killer chorus, and it also feels much "fresher" than the rest of the songs. The Higher Elevations have enough energy and quality songwriting skills for me to keep an eye on them in the future, since I wouldn't be surprised if they one day delivered a solid album, but at the moment their material just doesn't appeal to me much.
- Simon Tagestam