Who to salute
Reveal Records

I've got Beezewax's three previous albums and I've seen them live a couple of times, so my expectations for this album were somewhat high. Even though they've always been heavily influenced by power-pop, they've always stayed with one foot firm in the indie rock swamp, which in my opinion makes for a great sound. Not so anymore, with "Who to salute" they've gone into crazy power-pop mode (hell, they even got Ken Stringfellow from The Posies singing on the record). But unfortunately Beezewax haven't got those killer melodies to back up all this power-popping, which is a darn shame. "Who to salute" just doesn't cut the mustard! There are some nice breezy songs here (e.g. "Shinjuko Park"), but overall the songs sound way too similar, and it feels like they're missing that little but so necessary spark that can make an average album a good one. This album could perhaps make a cool EP if you got rid of a handful of songs, but as an album - it bores me, and that is something, ladies and gentlemen, I deeply regret to write.
- Simon Tagestam