E-Type - EurotopiaE-Type
Lulubelle Records/Universal


It's something of a miracle that E-Type can still peddle his music, let alone that he has been allowed to keep on doing it for so long. Why, after more than 10 years of sonic torture, haven't people taken to the streets and forced the Swedish government to ban E-Type from recording ever again? Is he perhaps big in Germany or Russia, and the Swedish people are scared of being invaded if they do something about this musical toxin? Last week Iran decided to start a war against obscene rap music, but if they had their priorities right they'd do the world a favour and concentrate their efforts on E-Type instead. If they did that, I'm sure that we'd all turn a blind eye to their plans to build nuclear arms.

Criticizing E-Type is perhaps like shooting fish in a barrel, but I think I'm justified to do this since I've had the extreme displeasure of listening to "Eurotopia" in its entirety while on public transport. It made me feel ashamed and depressed, as if I was sitting there and having my ears raped voluntarily. Being subjected to this album has definitely been one of the most unpleasant experiences I've had in 2007, although deleting it from my ipod gave me a serene feeling of having my soul cleansed.
- Simon Tagestam