Karin Ström
En saga om en sten
Datadamen Records


This is a very beautiful album, with a perfect balance between Karin Ström's voice and the understated electronics creating accomplished electro-pop songs. Ström is certainly talented, there's no doubt about it. Musically, "En saga om en sten" shows Ström exploring computer instruments to create an upbeat base to which her vocals add a touch of ethereal elegance, much like a Swedish Imogen Heap. Looking up the lyrics on her website (thankfully in both Swedish and in English), the poetics compliment just the sort of music she is making. Absorbing, thoughtful - if the stories of heartbreak get a little too familiar. But I get the feeling she is scared to go all out with her songs. Nothing stands out on the album for me, although there are a fair few catchy numbers. I like this album, but I don't love it. It will be the next album that everyone takes notice of. She should be more experimental, less afraid to really explore the electronics and demonstrate her vocal talent.
- Jude Ainsworth