Thunder Express - Republic disgraceThunder Express
Republic disgrace
Razzia Records


Rock n' Roll is a tradition. Many follow it. Few make it to the end. Thunder Express, despite their desire to conquer the great frontier, apparently by laying tracks as quickly and easily as possible, have derailed somewhere between the mid-seventies and early eighties. Some bands are able to thrive on their own sound, stick to it consistently, and modernize it to achieve an acceptable standard. However, on "Republic disgrace" (appropriately), the concept of a solid sound seems to have been left back at the station. This record meanders through territory conquered and well scouted by the New York Dolls, Rolling Stones, and then into some weird mish-mash of rock ballads and Led Zeppelin rip-offs. While their 70's grooves can be fun and catchy at times, as tourists on the rock music trail, Thunder Express has gone for the cheap souvenirs, cheesy postcards, and crowded museums. It is an excursion that would well have benefited from a venture off the beaten path.
- Paul Bredenberg