Top 10s for 2007: Karin Ström

My 10 best moments this year related to musicmaking.

01. When I woke up the day after my record was released and was very happy and felt a strong urge to cut a fringe. So I went to the hair dresser and did that. The fringe became the symbol of the post-album debut me. It felt great.

02. When I made my first national TV performance and was so nervous I thought I should fall over, as my legs were literally shaking and I had been stupid enough to wear high heels. I thought to myself "come on Karin, this is what you always dreamt of". Then all of a sudden I was calm. AND from that day, I was completely cured of stage fright. (You can see the clip here)

03. When I got an e-mail from my friend saying "Karin - you are now a national radio artist", when Betydelsen av Rum had entered the P3 playlist. I screamed out loud.

04. When Håkan Lidbo e-mailed me and asked if I wanted to participate in "Ny musik för landssorg" (New music for national grief and mourning) as one of the country's most exciting electronica producers. I've never been so flattered in my life.

05. Every single time somebody has written to me via MySpace or my website or written in their blog that my music means something to them.

06. When I saw the video to "Klaustrofobi" the first time and was so happy Tobias Annerhult had understood exactly what kind of video I wanted without me even saying it. The beauty of art can sometimes be almost telepathetic.

07. When I played my premier gig at Berns for the Fashion loves music loves fashion tour and had four bottles of champagne as my fee and my ex-boyfriend ended up proposing (not that I took it seriously for one second and I had to remind him of it the next day). (view a picture from the show)

08. Every time I've been sitting by the piano writing a song and felt, yes, this could be something.

09. When Absolut e-mailed me, wanting me to contribute to their web campaign. A new video and song (in English) is to be released on their website in the beginning of next year.

10. Every songwriting session with Juvelen. He's hilarious and we have so much fun when we hang out I wonder if that duet will ever be finished!

Karin Ström is currently finishing her third novel and writing songs for her next album. She was recently featured on Jacque C's "Monkey man" and is also working on a number of other smaller projects such as a duet with Juvelen and a collboration with Absolut Vodka (as mentioned above).