Top 10s for 2005: Jason Christie

01. Nizlopi - JCB

02. Sharif - E.A.A

03. Bagels from Tesco

04. Aprilia Motorbikes from Ashan Scooters

05. It's A Trap! - Best site 4 years running

06. - Audio - BabyD: Let me Be Your Fantasy (aahhhh white gloves on / hands in the air!)

07. - He is my god and I want to be him

08. D&tC DVD - this week's post is great

09. St Johnstone Goal Archive - Check Bartez floundering after a shot. The best team and only* football team with a J in the name in the whole of the UK. [*Pro Soccer for USA readers]

10. This is really number one but Avi killed my other list [ed: untrue, I would never edit someone's list for being 'uncool'] that said things like Amy Diamond and James Blunt are cool.... so SONG OF THE YEAR: Tiger Lou - Ten Minutes To Take Off

Needs a shout ...
The Xmas card made by Mr & Mrs Madsen.
Lozza gets hitched


Jason is a regular IAT contributor and also one of the guys who helps make Tack! Tack! Tack! happen. I bet he'll have me revise this list 3 times once it's posted, so maybe try checking back every once in awhile. And I was right - third time's a charm?