Top 10s for 2004: Mikkel Thomsen (Cph-sound)

01. Of course Wild Evil Entertainment Dept.'s dirty punkrock debut album released on Cph-sound

02. That the Danish musicscene is kicking ass!

03. Our own onlineshop where you can buy Nordic music world-wide with your creditcard

04. Ukranian electronic band Fotomoto, who sings in french - strange!

05. The great little Danish booking company Offbeat, who focus on Nordic music

06. Swedish band Waver - fantastic pop/rock act, they'll become huge in 2005 - GO Dead Frog Records!

07. Nordic Culture Network - setting up exchange concerts between the Nordic countries, SEND MORE MONEY!

08. Sweden's Antnest Records signing a deal with Dr. Dunbars Medicine Band from Lund

09. Bad Afro Records keeping the vinyl industry in the game

10. Avi - what's going on? - Is it a trap?


Mikkel is the head of Cph-sound, home of bands such as Wild Evil Entertainment Dept., Svarte Pan and Wish. He also recently started which is quickly turning into quite the online marketplace for Danish independent music. /