Top 10s for 2004: Fredrik Granberg (Randy)

01. My new apartment in Gröndal. It rules!

02. Getting a home theater in my new apartment.

03. "Yngwie Malmsteen drunk on drums", Search for that phrase on soulseek or direct connect or whatever and download the funniest clip ever.

04. Touring in California, the best time of my life!

05. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Movie of the year.

06. My Judas Priest and Iron Maiden satin jackets from eBay, I am now a fullblown shopaholic

07. John Doe - Pyromantikk, The best album I have heard in years

08. My vacation in Pipa Brazil.

09. Fat Mike, always and forever

10. The Office season 1&2 dvd box set. Funny as hell!


Fredrik plays drums in Randy, long considered to be one of Sweden's strongest live acts and one of world's best melodic punk bands. The band's last album "Welfare problems" came out in 2003 and the group recently contributed the song "Beware" (ft. Fat Mike of NOFX) to the "Heartattack" compilation, out now on Burning Heart records. The group is currently beginning rehearsals and will be recording a new album soon. /