I dunno why I passed on the opportunity to stoke the flames of controversy last week, but in case you missed it JR Ewing talked shit on fellow Norweigan hardcore band Kaospilot last week in their newsletter by calling them an Orchid clone. The reason? This article from Dagsavisen in which Kaospilot rags on JR Ewing and Amulet basically labelling them as sell-outs and losing touch with the scene (in Norweigan). Gee, haven't heard that one before. Anyhow, the Ewing's explanation for calling 'em out and prolonging the scene in-fighting:
"They spent 2/3's of the space in their interview with Dagsavisen talking shit about us and our best friends Amulet, with that OLD and boring "punker than you" speech. We thought these guys were friends of ours, now we see they're not. That's all."
Apparently, you can head over to the Level-Plane board for even more trash-talking, but I'm too lazy to register and see for myself. Remember guys, when the kids are united they will never be divided.