We - "Lightyears Ahead" (Black Balloon)
Norway's We mines classic hard-rock, kinda in the same way that Soundtrack of Our Lives does. They both obviously borrow heavily from their forbearers, but both manage to bring it all together in a way that includes the group's own personality and makes it unique. Whereas TSOOL tends towards straight-up rock n' roll and psych-rock, We is more heavy metal and borrows more from the Black Sabbath/Led Zeppelin end of the 70s rock spectrum. Yeah, there's some obvious T. Rex riffing going on too, but there's also a bit of a late-era Beatles thing going on, albeit slightly heavier. The instrumental transition tracks on this EP are cool too - I really like how it helps everything flow together, though the bong hit opening is a bit silly. I'll definitely be keeping my eyes on these guys.