New mp3 today from Gåte, a Norwegian band that deftly marries ancient Scandinavian folk tradition with modern rock music. This song is the first single from the band's excellent sophomore album "Iselilja" and it's a great example of their style. While contemporaries like Hedningarna and Garmarna approach similar music from more of a classically-trained perspective, Gåte tackles it the other way around by building up from a strong rock base. There's a fieceness in the way they attack the material that simply doesn't come from the conservatory. They even throw in a mosh-worthy half-tempo breakdown at the end. As proven by numerous Scandinavian metal bands, their culture's folk music traditions integrate seemlessly into heavy music. Gone are the cliché electronic and goth leanings from the first album and in its place a newfound maturity and determination. Make no mistake - that doesn't mean they've lost any of their youthful vigor, it just means they've honed it. Very recommended.