Tag: News

Sailor & I - Tough love (video)

A mere 7 days of work from start to finish and now Sailor & I have a video.

Mikhael Paskalev - I spy (video)

Urørt winner Mikhael Paskalev now has an official video for his award-garnering single "I spy".

New music from Barren Womb (ex-Like Rats from a Sinking Ship)

Bad Sounds brings news of the new band Barren Womb rising from the ashes of Like Rats from a Sinking Ship: http://www.badsoundsmagazine.com/article/barren-womb-fresh-blood-from-experienced-players/
The band's debut release will be a split 7" with crust/grind act Forræderi, due out May 4 via /.

Regnet / Efter regnet

New pastoral instrumental music from Sweden, discovered by way of Prejka. RIYL Vidderna, Ljudbilden & Piloten.

3:25,290 - En subjektiv berättelse om svensk indie 1999-2009

Swedish webzine Throw Me Away is publishing a multi-part series by Billy Rimgard on the history of Swedish indie from 1999-2009 and the first part which focuses on The Radio Dept. can be found here: http://www.throwmeaway.se/svensk-indie/kapitel-ett-against-the-tide/
New chapters will be posted weekly.

Ikons - Free spirit

Via , here's a new track from Ikons which shows the band going in a far less dark direction than before: http://servicedecennium.tumblr.com/post/18553370783/ikons-free-spirit-on-all-three-albums-coming

Tyred Eyes - That last detour sign (video)

New sights and sounds from Göteborg's Tyred Eyes. Look for their debut full-length "The piercing stare, the thousand lies" to be released in early April via .

Cecilia Nordlund - Alla sa att allting var farligt (video)

Swedish indierock mainstay Cecilia Nordlund (Monkeystrikes, Souls) teams up with electropop producer Johan Sigerud and sings in Swedish for the very first time.

Nitad - Rastlös & vild

Hell yes, here's the title track for the upcoming Nitad LP "Rastlös & vild", now available for preorder from : http://mourningwoodrec.com/shop

Markus Krunegård - Askan är den bästa jorden (video)

"Askan är den bästa jorden " is the latest single from ex-Laakso frontman Markus Krunegård. It's okay, I guess.

Kongh to record in June

Swedish doom act Kongh will be heading into Soundtrade Studios in Solna on June 15 to begin recording their third album.

Mob 47, Desperat to play Scum Fest

Mob 47 and Desperat will be heading to London to play Scum Fest on May 26.

Thrashing Rage III

A Fist in the Face of God has assembled a new chapter in their "Thrashing Rage" mix series, but instead of harkening back to 80s glory days, this one focuses solely on bands from the 90s and beyond: http://afistinthefaceofgod.blogspot.com/2012/03/fist-in-face-of-god-presents-thrashing.html
Of course Scandinavia is well-represented or I wouldn't be posting it -- featured bands include Antichrist, Audiopain, Nekromantheon, Corrupt, Condor and more.

Listen to Norway talks to Thomas Dybdahl

Listen to Norway talks with Thomas Dybdahl ahead of his upcoming European tour: http://www.listento.no/mic.nsf/doc/art2012030214023184069581

120 Days album stream

has posted the new 120 Days album "II" as a single continuous track for streaming-in-full: http://splendour.no/post/18551310098/listen-to-120-days-new-album-ii-in-full-here