Slagsmålsklubben - Jake blood (video)
At long last, something new from Slagsmålsklubben. "Jake blood" is the first single from the group's upcoming album "The garage".
At long last, something new from Slagsmålsklubben. "Jake blood" is the first single from the group's upcoming album "The garage".
We Are Serenades will tour the US in May, dates forthcoming.
As proven by the KLF, nothing like covering an already-popular song to secure a hit.
have announced that they will be releasing the new It's a Bird! It's a Plane! single "Crow hill" on April 16. Look for their debut full-length "Here comes the sun" to follow later. In other news, Razzia will also be releasing a new single from the Google-proof band Local Drums called "In your arms". I don't know anything about it, but basic details are here.
New video, old song? Not sure exactly what the deal is here, but it sounds good. NSFW, but you can also listen via Bandcamp.
Lambgoat reports that has picked up Swedish old-school death metal act Morbus Chron:
The band will be heading into the studio this spring to record a 10" EP for the label.
is finally getting around to putting out the long-awaited Beyond Dawn rarities collection "The righteous underground" and are looking to secure preorders to make it happen:
If I had cash to throw around, I'd get right on it -- Beyond Dawn is/was one of the finest, most interesting bands to come out of Norway's metal scene in the 90s, evolving from doom-with-trombone to experimental art-rock and beyond. All of their records are worth having and I'm sure this vault of previously unreleased material contains many gems.
Yet another chapter in the ongoing saga that is iamamiwhoami.
Every once in a while it'd be nice to hear an Icelandic band that didn't embrace postrock, but whatever, this is a cute video.
Listen to Norway has posted a full schedule for Norwegian acts showcasing at SXSW (along with a Spotify playlist):
The new Usurpress/Pyramido split 7" is now streaming in full via Bandcamp:
Official release date is March 13 via ; 400 copies on black plus a special "Wicked Edition" featuring 100 copies on color vinyl with a bonus 7" of some sort.
"Linje sjutton" is the first single from 118sthlmDJ's upcoming self-titled album.
Johannes Brander (Skogar) + Johan G Winther (Scraps of Tape, Thee Gutted String, etc.) = Heathers/Hollows. Debut C60 out on in early April.
The latest session for Finnish live video website Off the Record features Swedish pop act The Sounds: