MP3: The Tallest Man on Earth - The wild hunt

It's all too easy to let a lowkey release like this slip under the radar, but I'd be remiss if I didn't mention The Tallest Man on Earth at least a few (dozen) more times, as would befit the quality of the music. Kristian Matsson's pinched nasal delivery may be off-putting to some much like that other big-name folky he's often compared to, but I find that his plaintive approach serves his songs well. Rustic and unadorned, there is no need for embellishment, vocal or otherwise -- the music speaks for itself through a simple voice and a fingerpicked guitar.

"The wild hunt" is the title track of his latest album and it is a marvel of instant nostalgia and gentle wistfulness. "I plan to be forgotten when I'm gone, yes I'll be leaving in the fall" I aim to defy.

The Tallest Man on Earth - The wild hunt