MP3: The Tough Alliance - Neo violence
This week's entry in our Göteborg spotlight series has been a long time coming - I first sent The Tough Alliance questions back in late February, but it was only this past week that the stars aligned and their responses formulated and delivered. Here goes...
Why Göteborg? Why not Stockholm? Or London? Or Paris? Or anywhere else in the world? What keeps you there and what makes it special?
Gothenburg gives us enough quiet and peace to focus on our expression instead of drowning in impressions. We don't need to be where "it happens", there's enough happening inside of TTA. In addition to that, our families and almost all our friends live here. And it's by the ocean.
Do you think there's any sort of prevailing sound or attitude in Gbg that differentiates it from other cities? If so, how would you describe it?
Yeah, I know there is. I wouldn't try to describe it though. It's not my job as an artist to do those things, the deeper things that I can tell about Gothenburg is told in my art. It's up to journalists to analyze it if they feel a need to.
Are there any ways that the city directly influences your art? The geography? The weather? Or how about the people, or by extension, the labels, venues, publications or other ventures they run? How does it all come together, for better or worse?
Of course, our art is not an island.
Yes, but you also record and release your own records -- in what ways do you collaborate within your community? For example, your work with The Embassy -- how would you characterize that relationship? Is there any artistic competitiveness between you or is it purely inspirational? Furthermore, are there any local visual artists that you work with/are inspired by?
Not because they are from Gothenburg, but because they are our friends and our expressions seem to entwine anyway. Everything is a competition for us though, art especially. We have certain visual bonds with Frida Meuller, Louise Elmén and Johan Düfke.
Is there anything that Gbg lacks? If you could change one thing about the city, what would it be?
I'd like a proper Ralph Lauren store and a nice place to do illegal parties.
Are there any particular TTA songs that you feel are a direct reflection of the city? If so, please explain.
No, not direct.
Okay, so you have no songs that are directly reflective of Gbg, but what about indirectly? Is there a particular piece you feel would be a proper soundtrack to the city?
No, sorry. It may sound high-flown, but I couldn't chain our art to a geographical place like that. It's the soundtrack to a place we dream about, a place where diamonds never fade away. A soundtrack to reality.
The Tough Alliance - Neo violence