MP3: Johan Heltne - Hjärta. Instinkt. Principer.
More Jesus rock today, except that Johan Heltne doesn't exactly rock. And I'm also not sure how religious he is, though he does say that his album "Vetenskapliga bevis för att Jesus lever" ("Scientific proof that Jesus is alive") was informed by religious experience, in a way. It's a fascinating work, made that much better by the fact that I can barely wrap my head around it. From the lush string arrangements on songs such as the one I've posted today to soft indiepop ala Vapnet, Heltne and his friends have put together quite a record. There's magic in the mystery, that's for sure. This track also has me thinking that more musicians should try to forgo classic rock instrumentation. I still love guitars, but there seems to be so much more subtlety and nuance here, especially when compared to the more traditional "indie" numbers he does. Regardless, it's all good, just don't let this one pass you by. It's got underrated hit written all over it.
Johan Heltne - Hjärta. Instinkt. Principer.