MP3: Samuraj Cities - Thxa1000000
Our 2008 series on the music of Göteborg continues this week with Samuraj Cities. The band just did a batch of dates in Germany, but they managed to answer a few questions for me before they left:
How long have you lived in Gbg?
We are all born in Gothenburg.
Do you think that there's a particular Gbg sound?
No. I don't really think so... It's such a wide range of music that comes from our city, everything from pop, electro, noisemusic to metal. But there may be bands that sound a little bit similar. Maybe because people get inspired by each other or because some of the people play in many different bands.
What are your favorite Gbg hangouts? Any decent venues or record stores to recommend?
We really like Pusterviksbaren, a nice bar with alot of great concerts. Not so huge, but thats a part of why it´s so nice... Also there is a little pub called Skål, where we use to end up. Klaras is great too...
I like to run around in fleamarkets and by old vinylrecords. There are some good record stores like Blenda, Skivhugget and Bengans... the rest is pretty boring. When we come to new cities; record stores and musicstores is the first thing we are looking for...
How has the city inspired you?
Most of the things that inspires us, are not from Gothenburg. We are dreaming about going out on tour and seeing new places. It is very inspiring to see that some of our friends and many bands from our city are so successful, and most of the people we meet on tour are very friendly and positive towards you when you say you come from Gothenburg.
Is there a particular Samuraj Cities song that reflects the city?
We are working on a new song now called "Hisingen you give me the creeps".
Seeing as how that new song is unavailable to me, here's "Thxa1000000", the lead single off their 2006 debut album "Cheap deluxe". Hopefully we'll get to hear some new music soon.
Samuraj Cities - Thxa1000000