MP3: The Bear Quartet - Bear Quartet International Airport
Seeing as how I just posted a new podcast, I figure I might as well keep on draining away my allotted bandwidth as fast as possible. And what better way to do it, than with The Bear Quartet's monster epic "Bear Quartet International Airport". Here's Matt Giordano to give you the lowdown:
This song is fucked up, seriously. Our beloved BQ seemed to have stumbled on the musical equation for a throbbing headache, and such a headache can only be cured with repeated listens. Newcomers to the band might have a hard time appreciating the track, as they may find it a tad grating. The first half of is a nice speed-inspired tempo, whilst the second is gorgeous noise. At 5:20 in the song appears to break down, only to kick your ass once again, just to break down further into a new movement two minutes later. With doomsday-esque bass and vocals that make Slayer look like Hannah Montana, The Bear Quartet have found their innner Vivaldi and brought the musical apocalypse unto the listener.
The Bear Quartet - Bear Quartet International Airport