MP3: Repoman - Chemically obsessed
Division of Laura Lee reportedly have a new album on the way, but that's a mere footnote in my world 'cuz I've got the new Repoman EP and, to put it simply, this thing kills. Seriously, I've had it on endless repeat ever since it showed up on my doorstep a little over a week ago. I had no idea that Per Stålberg had it in him to do something so fierce. Stylistically, these dudes play raw pigfuck hardcore that's deeply indebted to Die Kreuzen, but the one band they probably remind me the most of is Dead & Gone. It's the same basic formula - trippy guitars echoing over a bulldozer rhythm section while some dude blows out his vocal chords with paranoid ramblings. And then, when everyone finally comes together on a single riff, it's like getting hit in the face with a shovel. In a good way, naturally.
I had been hearing things about Repoman's live show for awhile, but was skeptical the recordings would live up to expectations. Fear not, they do.
Interested folks can score a copy of said EP right here.
Repoman - Chemically obsessed