MP3: Jonas Kullhammar Quartet - Bebopalulia
I made a pledge to post more jazz, so that's what I'm gonna do. Jonas Kullhammar is a well-known and respected saxophonist and the song I've posted today is from his 2003 Swedish Grammy Award-winning album "Plays loud for the people". As this review will attest, Kullhammar manages to cover a lot of ground over the course of the record or even as in this case, over the course of a song. It segues back and forth between the carnival-esque sound of the main theme to bebop skronk and back again, as if the two styles were made for one another. I can't quite call it effortless, but it's certainly not as jarring as one would expect. It feels good, so I like it.
Jonas Kullhammar Quartet - Bebopalulia