MP3: Tar... Feathers - You are lucky to have nothing
Tar... Feathers are a curious beast. The "band" is essentially one man, Mr. Marcus Nyke of Göteborg. Various folks contributed their playing to the recording, but the vision belongs to him and him alone. This is the new face of lofi DIY 'cept it's hard to really call it lofi anymore. Cheap and easy digital recording has lowered the bar, but you still need natural talent to make it work. Just because anyone can record an album nowadays does not mean they should. In most cases, I would actually discourage it. Thankfully, Tar... Feathers shares the same sort of drive that made DIY pioneers need to create art. There's definitely strong traces of indiepop in the music, but it's way too fucked up and dark to label it as such and that's why it appeals to me. The vocals will probably be the barrier that keeps most folk from getting into this though - Marcus' exuberance doesn't necessarily translate into perfect pitch. Still, the intricacy of the music more than makes for it. Fans of Labrador-style perfect pop be warned- this will challenge you, but I think it's worth it.
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Tar... Feathers - You are lucky to have nothing