MP3: Tsukimono - Gathering heavy breathing
Tsukimono's new album "Née" is the perfect release for Kalligrammofon to follow up Viktor Sjöberg's "On a winter's day". Both artists utilize guitars and found-sound as the main source for their art, but what they do with it is totally different. Viktor tends towards the quiet and complative and yes, even romantic (as Kevin points out in his review) while Tsukimono (aka Johan Gustavsson) is often far more frenetic and noisy. This particular piece that I've posted today reminds me a bit of Alog with its steady melodic rhythm. Processed guitar tones chime, twist and turn until the rains come in and their true nature is revealed. It's a beautiful transition that perfect captures the summer day that inspired it.
Tsukimono - Gathering heavy breathing