MP3: Hearts of Black Science - Revolvers

Does the world really need more 80s revival acts? If they sound as much like Depeche Mode as Hearts of Black Science do, I'm okay with it. As I'm sure you know by now, I like music that's dark and dramatic so HoBS definitely fit the bill, especially with tracks like the one I've posted today. "Empty city lights" (available here) is the more obvious single, but I find the brooding "Revolvers" to be much more satisfying. A bit of slide guitar and a crackly, almost trip-hop beat and a ton of reverb - what more do you need? Oh yeah: an epic, soaring melody. Sure it's retro - just listen to those chimes, but it doesn't come across as self-conscious, at least not to me. Unsigned for now, but you know that won't last. And whaddya know? They're playing Club AC30 in London with Audrey, the same night that the UK IAT DJs are making a guest appearance. Synchronicity!

Hearts of Black Science - Revolvers