MP3: The Bear Quartet - Hrrn hrrn
The Bear Quartet released their very first album "Penny century" way, way back in 1992. In reality, that's not really all that long ago, it's just that the band has evolved quite a bit in the interim 15 years. They also released 13 albums since then and even more EPs. So yeah, it's been quite a journey to say the least. You might've noticed that we've mostly been posting only newer BQ tracks so far in this weekly experiment thing we've got going and I'm not going to lie - I'm really not that fond of their early material. Or I guess I should say, it's not that I don't like it (I do), it's just that the band has gotten so so so much better over the years. Very few acts can say that, especially with such a vast discography behind them. After all, that's a big part of what makes The Bear Quartet so special. I also have no nostalgic attachment to the band's early work, having discovered them around the time of "Gay icon" (2001). So what am I getting at? Well, it's time we looked back at that first record and took a listen. Unsurprisingly, early BQ sounds a lot like other indierock of the era: Dinosaur Jr., My Bloody Valentine, Sonic Youth and so on and so forth. Very contemporary for the early 90s, especially for a band from BFE (aka LuleƄ). Is it good? Yeah, I'd say so. It's very good for what it is and I know I'd rather listen to BQ than Pavement any day.
The Bear Quartet - Hrrn hrrn