MP3: Mustasch - Double nature
Imagine that if after the so-called "Black album", Metallica didn't become a totally mockery of themselves. Imagine that they still continued to explore the pop aspects of their sound, but never lost track of their thrash roots. I think the result might sound like Mustasch. Well, that is presuming they replaced their drummer along the way as well. Mustasch's new album "Latest version of the truth" pales in comparison to their older work, but it sure kicks the ass of anything Metallica's done since the early 90s. Even adding a lame string section can't stop "Double nature" from totally ruling, something that Metallica tried and failed with 1999's "S&M". So what's the secret? How can Mustasch get away with watering down their sound when those other dudes fail so miserably? Besides having a killer rhythm section, the key is in what I said at the beginning: remember your roots. Think about it! Metallica always had pop aspirations. They got where they are because they wrote great songs that made you want to sing along and pump your first in the air. Catchy and heavy. Doesn't have to be either/or.
Mustasch - Double nature