Label: Stupid Dream

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Various Artists - Elektronisk kompilationVarious Artists
Elektronisk kompilation
Stupid Dream


This compilation starts up with a very annoying house song by Cotton Crew that could have put me off right away. Fortunately, this is one of the most inconsistent compilations ever, thus, there are still a few enjoyable numbers. The whole thing is a bit unsettling to listen to from start to finish as it jumps from straight house to a more lo-fi approach and to hip-hop influenced beats from one song to another. There's quite a bit of house on here though, which is a bit weird to me as I really thought people didn't listen to that shit anymore, same goes for a few drum'n'bass numbers that just felt so 1999. That being said, there are a few psytrance, drill and bass and psy-minimal tracks that are OK, but perhaps the most disappointing aspect is the lack of truly stellar tracks that would make me want to purchase singles or albums from any of these artists except for maybe Discolor.
- Simon Thibaudeau

Baron Bane
Stupid Dream

Electronica and guitars has been combined numerous times in the past decade, with varying results. Baron Bane do it in a Crystal Method style, although less big beat and more downbeat, although the big beat creeps its head in from time to time. One song is a dead ringer of The Gathering. It is not that good, not that bad either, but you feel like you are going to hear Richard Patrick or Beth Gibbons any moment. They totally lack a sound of their own.
- Simon Thibaudeau