Ja Ja Ja London showcase confirmed for October
Ja Ja Ja has confirmed that the lineup for their October showcase on the 21st will feature The Deer Tracks, The Low Frequency in Stereo and Rökkurró.
Ja Ja Ja has confirmed that the lineup for their October showcase on the 21st will feature The Deer Tracks, The Low Frequency in Stereo and Rökkurró.
Nö Music has posted an excellent lengthy review of seeing the unholy trinity of Okkultokrati, Haust and Årabrot live: http://www.nomusicmedia.com/2010/09/18/the-new-necromantics/
Check out the new Kråkesølv single "Nordavind mot varme kinn", the first taste of upcoming album "Bomtur til jorda": http://kraakesolv.ekort.net/
Nordic by Nature has a new mixtape posted for October: http://soundcloud.com/shibie/popism-the-philosophy-of-nordic-by-nature-from-s-to-b-back-again-oct-mix
Here's the playlist for this week's radio show Sirius XMU:
01. The Radio Dept. - The new improved hypocrisy
02. TALK 2
03. Slidin' Slim - Right wing blues
04. Faråker - Den sista fajten (via är på väg)
05. We Live in Trenches - Male damage
06. Kite - If there's an if in us
07. TALK 3
08. First Love, Last Rites - Slow wind
09. Tomas Halberstad - Add to all noise
10. Last Days of April - America
11. TALK 4
12. C.Aarmé - Golden retriever
13. Far from Tellus - Norwegian fairytale mix
14. Bäddat för Trubbel - Kungen heter Jandek
15. Vidderna - Villfarelser
16. TALK 4
17. Rasmus Kellerman - The 24th
18. Mindy Misty - Inertia
19. Regulations - In the shadow of the mall
20. TALK 5
21. The Bear Quartet - Silent film
Reminder: my show airs every week on Sundays and Mondays at 11pm ET on Sirius XMU. That's channel 26 on Sirius, 43 on XM and 831 for DirecTV subscribers.
This week's top 20 Norwegian album chart:
01. Diverse artister - Melodi Grand Prix Junior 2010
02. Skambankt - Søvnløs
03. Hellbillies - Leite etter lykka
04. Harrys Gym - What was ours can't be yours
05. A-ha - 25
06. Contrazt - Ser på verden
07. Vestlandsfanden - Livets Glade Plommer
08. The Respatexans - Hellbilly Heaven
09. Susanne Sundfør - The Brothel
10. Kvelertak - Kvelertak
11. Beady Belle - At Welding Bridge
12. Elg - Storm
13. Diverse artister - Go'natt
14. Knutsen & Ludvigsen - Knutsen & Ludvigsens beste
15. Roy Lønhøiden - Tilbake i tid - de beste sangene
16. Torbjørn Egner - Samlede CD-er
17. Jan Toft - Alle e aleina
18. Karpe Diem - Aldri Solgt En Løgn
19. Motorpsycho - Timothy's Monster
20. Lars Vaular - Helt om natten, Helt om dagen
Virus are now streaming the unmastered version of the new track "Chromium sun" at myspace, a track they describe as "one of the most radical songs on the album": http://www.myspace.com/czral
For those of you (like me) who are into classic metal, Fenriz of Darkthrone has a new speed metal mix posted for download: http://afistinthefaceofgod.blogspot.com/2010/09/fist-in-face-of-god-presents-fenriz-aka.html
As always, a mixed lot of mostly unknowns, but well worth investigating.
Nö Music runs down the list of the first confirmed acts for next year's By:Larm Festival, Norway's feature showcase for up-and-coming acts: http://www.nomusicmedia.com/2010/09/16/first-artists-announced-for-bylarm-2011/
Bygdin, the sideproject of Kjetil Ovesen and Arne Stöy Kvalvik of 120 Days, will release their new album "II" on September 20 via . Hear a sample tune: http://hypecity.no/?p=853
I already posted a link to these pics awhile back, but it's still pretty cool to see Haust and Okkultokrati reblogged at MRR: http://maximumrocknroll.com/2010/09/13/monday-photo-blog-oslo-rising/
MIC Norway's online news service Ballade is hiring an editor: http://www.mic.no/nmi.nsf/micdoc/art2010091413032248974593
I don't keep up with folk music as much as I could/should, but I imagine that all of the winners of this past weekend's Norwegian Folk Music Awards are all well worth checking out: http://www.folkmusic.no/winners-of-the-norwegian-folk-music-awards.4818256.html
Online Fandom writer and sometime IAT contributor Nancy Baym lists "Five albums you should be listening to right now" for Nerve.com, four of which are from Scandinavia: http://nerve.com/entertainment/2010/09/15/five-albums-you-should-be-listening-to-right-now
Check out Blood Command's brand new video "Alarm all assassins": http://vimeo.com/14940098
I'd be into it if it didn't have that terrible heavy, screechy part. Animal Alpha could sort of pull off that sort of thing, but even then, it's still grating.