Artist: Robert Post

Viewing posts 16-23 out of 23

Robert Post's next single "There's one thing" (as posted here in August) will be released on October 31.

Go here to sign up for some sort of free Robert Post download.

Some new UK dates for Norwegian singer/songwriter Robert Post:

10/22 - King Tuts, Glasgow
10/23 - Night and Day, Manchester
10/24 - Bar Academy, Birmingham
10/25 - Bush Hall, London

Up-and-coming Norwegian singer/songwriter Robert Post is playing a "secret" gig at the Take The High Road Club at The Luminaire in London tonight.

New mp3s today from Frivolvol, a band from Finland who just released their new album "Frivolous vol 2: The false security program" via If Society (available for mailorder right here). Don't be expecting sweet pop like that Robert Post track I put up Monday - nope, this is some seriously intense hardcore, chock-full of twisted, chaotic riffs and throat-shredding screams. And for as brutal and crazy as this track is, I think it's actually one of the more straight-forward pieces. They have the capability to craft some ridiculously complicated music, but they also seem to understand that it's necessary to sometimes leave notes hanging. It's amazing how few other mathcore don't grasp the concept of contrasts. Oh, and speaking of contrasts, be sure to listen through to the coda. What a perfect way to bring the song to provide release and bring the song to a close.

Norway seems to be adept at exporting quality singer/songwriters these days. Both Sondre Lerche and Magnet seem to be doing quite well for themselves abroad and now there's upstart Robert Post to contend with. While I don't find his album as consistently good from beginning to end as the other aforementioned artists' most recent work, Robert is still a formidable entry into the genre. He's got such an amazingly effortless singing voice - just listen to the way he nails that high note on the final chorus of the song I've posted today. That kind of performance is simply undeniable. He sounds so natural and at-ease - he's a power-pop sensation just waiting to happen. Even though his just-released debut album tends to be a bit heavy on filler IMO, the three or four standout tracks do a fine job of making up for it. Definitely recommend for fans of Jason Falkner, Brendon Benson, Ben Christophers and the like.

MIC Norway profiles up-and-coming singer/songwriter Robert Post:
While I'm not blown away by his record as a whole, it does contain a couple genuine pop gems. His self-titled debut comes out in the UK on August 22 via Mercury Records.

Norwegian singer/songwriter Robert Post will support Scottish act Texas on tour in the UK:

09/29 - Carling Academy, Glasgow
09/30 - Carling Academy, Glasgow
10/01 - Usher Hall, Edinburgh
10/04 - City Hall, Newcastle
10/05 - University, Liverpool
10/06 - Carling Academy, Birmingham
10/10 - Royal Concert Hall, Nottingham
10/11 - Carling Apollo, Manchester
10/13 - City Hall, Sheffield
10/14 - Forum, London

Check out the video for his single "Got none":