Artist: Plain Fade

Country: Finland
Genre: Avant/Experimental/Weird
Reviews: Aure / Siikamo/Pikkusiikamo (mp3) / Itä-Aure (mp3)
Viewing posts 31-40 out of 40

Plain Fade is now on myspace:

Aversionline gives some serious props to Plain Fade:
I agree 100%, this is definitely a record worth seeking out for people interested in epic music.

New track posted today from Plain Fade, an amazing post-rock act from Finland. I've been trying to hype them for awhile now, but have held off on posting an mp3 until today. There are some bands that hook me the very first time I hear them and Plain Fade are definitely one such group. Even hearing mere one-minute mp3 samples of their work was enough to get me excited, and that's saying something. Some bands grow on you with time, some you just know, intrinsically, without question. Catch my drift? The sound bears the typical trappings of the genre, such as the epic soundscapes and drawn-out dynamic passages, but there's more to it than that. Like countrymen Magyar Posse, they possess a melodic sensibility that I can't adequately describe, except to call it Finnish. It's dark and foreboding, but it's not metal. The only other band I can possibly compare them to would be Kayo Dot, as both acts share similar qualities such as the high, keening vocals and a refreshing rhythmic looseness that allows the songs to flow and breathe. Plain Fade might not be at the same compositional level as Kayo Dot yet, but you can tell they have grand ideas, they just need more time to develop them. My only complaint is that they rarely get quite as heavy as I'd like, but on the other hand, I must admit that the level of restraint works in their favor as it keeps them from becoming yet another band with only two volume settings. By far one of the most promising and audacious debuts I've heard this year. Dial-up users beware - this is a long song and a big download.

Podcast: This is a test (post-rock/electronics)

Download "Cerrbellum" from Plain Fade:
The track comes from the band's new album "Lies, Sanctions and Cruise Missiles" out now on Punos Sound. I haven't gotten a copy yet, but this is a record I've been very excited to hear considering how great everything I've heard from them has been.

Plain Fade's new website is online:

Plain Fade's debut full-length "Lies, Sanctions and Cruise Missiles" has been confirmed for release on March 25 via Punos Sound. Definitely a record I've been anxiously waiting to hear ever since I first heard soundclip demos.

It's taken me over two months, but I've finally got a new streaming playlist for you. Check it out over in the article section on the right. Come to think of it, that was probably the last time I spent the day brewing beer, too. But I digress - selections this time around include new tracks from David Fridlund, Logh, Kristofer Åström and Convoj as well as demo stuff from Britta Persson and Plain Fade along with a bunch of other choice cuts from stuff I've been listening to. I admit it's not very lovey-dovey, but consider it my Valentine's day gift to you anyway.

Streaming Playlist: Now playing

Go here to download a couple sample tracks from Finnish heavy post-rock act Plain Fade:
The band sounds like a mix of Isis, Cult of Luna and Magyar Posse and will release their debut album "Lies, sanctions and cruise missiles" very soon. Even though the sound clips are short, I definitely like what I hear and am eager to check out more. Be sure to listen to the dramatic vocals on "Cerebellum" - it's good stuff. (via)